High Five!

Do you know that feeling? After a challenge, achievement or complex assignment? We love it. And so do our clients.

Unique quizzes with a wow factor

Number 42 – Nothing is standard
Quizzing with passion

We love quizzes, and we love sharing our passion for trivia. Combine this with a well-developed eye for design and a love for organising events, and voila: That’s Number 42 in a nutshell.

Not just a pub quiz

A fitting trivia quiz for any company. The common factor? Pride. That awesome feeling after you finish a marathon. Or when you win a football game. “Yeah, we did it!” Except in this case, you’ll get that feeling after you’ve seriously picked your brain with your team to answer our quiz questions.

Your quiz? We’ll make it!

Multinational, small or medium business, government, educational or healthcare institution? Are you an event manager, or do you work for an event or communication agency and are you looking for a suitable quiz? We work for clients throughout the Netherlands and Europe. Moreover, we specialise in international groups.

Everything is possible

From rotation quizzes to boiler room sessions. From pub quizzes to entire talk shows. Your objective for the quiz is our priority. We will develop a custom game concept. With custom content, of course, targeted at your organisation. We turn serious gaming into serious business.

About Number 42

Curiosity, decisiveness and craftsmanship. What do these yield? A quiz experience with impact. The effect? Pride, energy, solidarity and, of course, fun. Ever since 2010, we have been delivering the complete package from the heart of Eindhoven: custom-made, professional quizzes. From creative concept to execution. Delivered as an online quiz or at your event location. From custom quiz questions to general knowledge questions. We deliver knowledge quizzes that people will talk about for a long time afterwards.

Tell me more!

Let’s call!

You can call us, of course. We’re happy to talk to you! However, we’re often on the road. Can’t reach us? Leave your name and phone number. We’ll always call you back. You can email us too, of course.

    Quiz question!


    By QuizQuestions

    This fruit originally comes from Central and South America. It is also very popular in Southeast Asia. In Europe, we are slowly getting to know it. What is the name of this tropical fruit?

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    Some clients of ours:

    Our USP? Quizzes for extremely large groups. 500 participants? No problem. 1400 quizzers? Piece of cake.